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EXCALIBUR 10層全營養食物風乾機 (RES10G)

EXCALIBUR 10層全營養食物風乾機 (RES10G)

定價 HK$6,300.00
定價 售價 HK$6,300.00
熱賣中 售罄

The Excalibur Model RES10 ten-tray Food Dehydrator, has a clear, double door opening that lets you view progress without interrupting the drying process. The ten trays provide a total of 9.3 sq ft of drying space. This machine has a 131.00 CFM air flow with two independent fans, two independent adjustable thermostats 85 - 165 degrees F (29.4 - 73.9 degrees C), Hyperwave Patented Technology, and Parallex Horizontal Air Flow all to provide a superior dehydrating experience. The dual zone system lets you use zone A, zone B or both simultaneously. Each zone can set for 1 or 2 time duration's and 1 or 2 temperature settings for variable food drying needs and to speed up the drying process. There is an option to program and save 30 of your favorite recipes for greater efficiency.


  • 10-tray, 99 Hour 59 Min Timer Dehydrator with smart digital controls
  • Clear, double door opening lets you view progress without interrupting the drying process
  • 9.3 sq ft (8169 cm2)of drying space, 131.00 CFM air flow with two independent fans, two independent adjustable thermostats 85 - 165 Degrees F
  • Dehydrate using zone A, zone B or both zones A and B
  • Option to program and save 30 of your favorite recipes
  • 10 Year Limited Warranty in USA and Canada
  • Made in the USA with USA and globally sourced materials
Sku: RES10G

產地 :USA
呎吋 : 0.440 X 0.520 X 0.430
保用: 1 year (Service Only)


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    • 辦公室/住宅地址直送 (經順豐速運)
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    • 順豐站取件
    • OK便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
    • 7-11便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
    • 自取

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